Write Lightning is a blog from writer Deb Thompson.
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Everyone is welcome here.
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Fri, Dec 21 2007
How to make rich eggnog
wikiHow has a guide on making eggnog. For those of us who don't pour that much booze into things and for those of us who yearn for an eggnog that is thick and rich instead of watery and stinging with bourbon, and for those of us who pressed for time during this holiday season, here's a tip. Get the very best brand of eggnog in the carton that you can find. Put it in a blender with scoops of the best French Vanilla ice cream you can find. Blend to desired texture. You can certainly still add alcohol or grated nutmeg or whatever else you like, but plan on the this eggnog being thick and rich and coating the glass (and your insides) like a true holiday milkshake. We only drink this concotion once a year so a feeling of indulgence is key to its enjoyment. Whip up a glass of this for Santa if you like. He'll be glad you did.
posted at: 12:22 | category: /Food | link to this entry
wikiHow has a guide on making eggnog. For those of us who don't pour that much booze into things and for those of us who yearn for an eggnog that is thick and rich instead of watery and stinging with bourbon, and for those of us who pressed for time during this holiday season, here's a tip. Get the very best brand of eggnog in the carton that you can find. Put it in a blender with scoops of the best French Vanilla ice cream you can find. Blend to desired texture. You can certainly still add alcohol or grated nutmeg or whatever else you like, but plan on the this eggnog being thick and rich and coating the glass (and your insides) like a true holiday milkshake. We only drink this concotion once a year so a feeling of indulgence is key to its enjoyment. Whip up a glass of this for Santa if you like. He'll be glad you did.
posted at: 12:22 | category: /Food | link to this entry
Simple, inexpensive light tent
If need good photos for things you sell on Ebay or if you just want to document a collection of items that you own, check out a set of instructions for a really useful D.I.Y. Light Tent.
I'm already thinking about this as something one could modify for miniature displays. Due to time constraints, I didn't get the Christmas village put out on display this year, but I've thought about showcasing just one or two of the buildings or creating a small scene. While a shadowbox version is often used for miniature scenes, a lighted box (or tent) would show off a miniature's details even better.
posted at: 11:22 | category: /Playing | link to this entry
If need good photos for things you sell on Ebay or if you just want to document a collection of items that you own, check out a set of instructions for a really useful D.I.Y. Light Tent.
I'm already thinking about this as something one could modify for miniature displays. Due to time constraints, I didn't get the Christmas village put out on display this year, but I've thought about showcasing just one or two of the buildings or creating a small scene. While a shadowbox version is often used for miniature scenes, a lighted box (or tent) would show off a miniature's details even better.
posted at: 11:22 | category: /Playing | link to this entry