Write Lightning is a blog from writer Deb Thompson.
Everyone is welcome here.
(Some links or topics may not be completely kid-appropriate.)

Tue, Feb 28 2006

Redman House work continues

There was a lot of extra activity around the local Redman House this past weekend, as volunteers worked on the grounds of the property. It's going to be a a beautiful landmark when it's all finished, and will be highly visible to motorists traveling scenic Highway 1 through the Wasonville-Moss Landing area.

posted at: 11:01 | category: /Miscellaneous | link to this entry

Mon, Feb 27 2006

Spam goes nuts

I received some spam a couple of days ago that I didn't see until this morning, because it went into a particular place designated for such oddities in my email storage. I have reproduced its text here, although I've put a marker where the actual URL was, in order not to send them any business, though there's very little danger of that happening, and you'll see why once you read it.
How's it going Gualterio,
Most recently only the privileged have been able to get it. It's great that it's not only here for the movei stars anymore, it's here at (original URL omitted). It doesn't take a specialist to apperceive what a titanic fortune this is!
within the last year (Tyler A1). These public works projects include
Hope this helps

That's it. The only thing I altered was in making an omission of the link to the actual URL.

Oh, and one other thing caught my eye when I scanned the incoming email headers. The User-Agent was listed as being SquirrelMail. Sometimes the underscored irony of such correspondence makes its intrusion amusingly bearable.

posted at: 11:26 | category: /Writing Life | link to this entry

Fri, Feb 24 2006

March festivals and other events

The week has been full of accomplishments, and one good thing is that I managed to upload the March 2006 issue of Deb's Monthly Review.

posted at: 13:25 | category:
/Writing Life | link to this entry

Thu, Feb 23 2006

Daniel Craig and the James Bond police

There are quite a few headlines floating around that mention film fans' unhappiness with actor Daniel Craig playing the part of James Bond, including one at Rotten Tomatoes. It always amazes me that so many people have such a limited concept of an actor playing a part. If a viewer is unable to separate a performer from the roles he or she takes on, we shouldn't necessarily leap to find fault with the actor. It is true that sometimes casting directors do make unwise calls in terms of looks, voice or other individual characteristics. But for viewers to fuse, or more to the point, confuse, an actor with one of his or her roles, shows a certain lack of appreciation for the art on the part of the audience.

It shouldn't matter that Mr. Craig, as Mr. Craig, has a certain hair color or drives a car with an automatic transmission on his way to pick up vegetables at the market. The finished film product is supposed to give an illusion of something. And it's the actor's job to contribute to that illusion. Once the film is completed it's left to the viewer to contribute his or her imagination to the experience. It will be interesting to see if all these elements come together once Casino Royale is finished and released. In the meantime, certain fans of James Bond seem determined to fight for their particular concept of what an actor portraying James Bond should be like. And one thing is certain. Ian Fleming produced a fictional character strong enough to incite people to near riots. How rare is that?

posted at: 08:23 | category: /Arts and Entertainment | link to this entry

Wed, Feb 22 2006

Brand your farm equipment

The farmers and ranchers of the area are getting some much-needed help to fight agricultural crime. The Action Project's web site says you can get help to mark a registered number on everything from backhoes to saddles that will help track the equipment in the event of theft. I know of someone who had a piece of heavy equipment stolen some time ago, and while you'd think a backhoe would be difficult to hide there are apparently rings of thieves who know just how to fence the likes of a highly-visible machine weighing several tons.

In the days of the Old West it was imperative that ranchers brand their livestock. Now that machines and farm vehicles play such an important role in production it seems even more imperative that such items are "branded" to indicate ownership. We call them theives instead of rustlers. But they're just as detrimental to those who make a living off the land. There's one other nice thing about branding your tractor. It won't sting—not even a little bit. And it might prevent a world of hurt down the line.

posted at: 10:32 | category: /Miscellaneous | link to this entry

Tue, Feb 21 2006

95 Percent Not Inspected

If only 5 percent of incoming containers are now being inspected at our ports, then maybe the taking over of operations by United Arab Emirates could actually result in a stepping up of security. It couldn't get much worse if those statistics are correct. That's a very creepy bit of information in itself, no matter who's in charge.

posted at: 12:36 | category: /Politics | link to this entry

Bad spelling isn't illegal, but...

You never know what kind of strange entity will present itself when you point to issues. Boing Boing seems to have acquired a troll of sorts, after featuring a story that concerned the recovery of a lost digital camera.

I have no way of knowing for certain the legitimacy of the person's claim that he(?) is a lawyer. I do know that most attorneys have the benefit of at least one very savvy secretary who checks for typos in outgoing correspondence. Perhaps the sue-happy person threatening Boing Boing simply doesn't realize how relatively easy it is to appear at least marginally professional during one's flights of fancy.

posted at: 07:41 | category: /Writing Life | link to this entry

Mon, Feb 20 2006

Storing Crafty Things

I visited a Michaels arts and crafts store this past weekend to check out the sale items. I was a little disappointed in the lack of variety of rubber stamps, but I suppose they realize there are many other places we can all find those. The stickers were on sale and I took the opportunity to stock up on those. But The big beauties were the floral stems. I make my own artificial arrangements each season, so I add to my stash of flowers now and then so I can have a greater variety to pull from when I get ready to create. The problem now is that our back storage room is starting to look like a very disorganized retail storeroom. I'm going to have to come up with some way to store the things so that I can find them without digging through bags and boxes. I need something like a rack of ascending rings that I can poke the floral stems into for easy access.

I suppose the next serious craft project really ought to be a storage project, which is difficult for me. I'm great at imagining and creating, but I'm not good at organizing. I watch all the shows on getting things organized, but one still needs a place in which to put these organized items. A lot of what they do on the shows is stack things in boxes. Floral stems don't lend themselves well to boxes and a rack of some sort is going to take up a lot more room than a set of boxes on shelves. This will be an interesting challenge.

posted at: 07:41 | category: /Playing | link to this entry

Fri, Feb 17 2006

Watsonville City Council Tells Monterey County To Shun Big Box Stores

The Watsonville City Council is hoping to increase its control over land use in surrounding areas—even areas in adjacent counties. Tuesday night the Council voted to call for Wal-Mart to change its business practices and also voted to request that Monterey County ban superstores outside urban areas. (You can read a copy of the resolution here.) Watsonville is not even in Monterey County, but is instead located at the southern edge of Santa Cruz County. Two Council members, Dale Skillicorn and Judy Doering-Nielson, voted against the resolution.

There's a certain irony in the Council trying to pressure a neighboring county to restrict development when Watsonville continues to push for development into rural, unincorporated areas of its own home county.

posted at: 05:49 | category: /Politics | link to this entry

Thu, Feb 16 2006

Freelance Reporting Has Its Price

FishbowlDC pointed to a story about freelance journalists and the Washington Post. I'm reminded once again that what we write in one place can open doors for us in other places. It can also close doors. There's always that tension of trying to remain objective while trying be honest with readers at the same time. Of course, it does help when a rival publication takes on the freelancer's cause. But then one has to wonder if that support could influence freelancers in ways that might make them undesirable with yet a third publication. It's ironic that we call it "freelancing" when it has so many strings attached.

posted at: 09:53 | category: /Writing Life | link to this entry

Big Fat Study Full of Balogna and Low-Fat Cheese

I knew it wouldn't take Dr. John McDougall long to respond to the reports on the Women's Health Initiative study. If what I read about the study is correct, all the women in the study were getting 35-38 percent of their calories from fat. The 20 percent that the one group was aiming to achieve was probably almost impossible, given the fact that they still consumed a lot of the foods that Dr. McDougall has found to be detrimental to health in the long term. He advocates a plant-based diet full of whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and suggests strongly an avoidance of animal products of all kinds, including dairy products. He recommends the choice of complex carbohydrates to best control blood sugar, but advises against refined sugars and refined flours. A fat intake of less than 10 percent is in the range he finds to be a good target amount.

Dr. McDougall has been known to help patients with diabetes by switching them to a low-fat, high-fiber, plant-based diet and has also been able to decrease their insulin intake and other medications with great success.

I once followed his guidelines for a two-month period and lost about twelve pounds. I also got rid of mild vertigo from an ear problem I'd been battling unsuccessfully for more than a year. It's hard for us. We want that hot fudge sundae. But if we want to help ourselves toward better health the information is certainly out there. Doctors like John McDougall are not looked upon with favor by pharmaceutical companies, dairy associations or the fish and meat industries. And when a doctor bucks the system he isn't necessarily going to get pats on the back from other doctors who make their living with traditional methods. But the man does get results for people who can stay motivated to improve their quality of life by eating the best foods available.

posted at: 06:08 | category: /Health and Fitness | link to this entry

Wed, Feb 15 2006

Popular Blogs

If Stuart Luman is correct about the most-linked-to-50 blogs being some sort of popularity contest I will assume that most people consider this to be some sort of high school stage of blogging. I read the descriptions of the list, which including the likes of Michelle Malkin, Dooce and Weebl's Stuff News. I'd never heard of that last one, but they've probably never heard of Write Lightning either, so we're probably even. I often hear certain bloggers refer to this or that blog being part of the "A" list—whatever that means. I think of quality rather than popularity, but maybe that's because I'm remembering something about the whole idea of popularity and how it can change.

Popularity isn't something one gives much weight to after one's high school days. I'm thinking back to my own high school years, in which popular people had trendy clothes, often drank to excess, cruised the streets in whatever the hot car of the moment was and yearned to be prom queen or king. Their popularity never seemed to have anyhing to do with life outside the world of school and, while I do hope they've all had great success in life I know that many others who were not considered part of the popular crowd have made the world a better place. I'm not disrespecting the popular blogs of the online world. Again, I wish them great success. I'm just thinking that if the metaphor holds up we can rest assured that in a few short years we're going to see some real gems from the other millions of bloggers out there who may soon be changing their corner of the world in ways the popular bloggers haven't thought of yet.

A tip of the very popular Stetson goes to Wired for the link.

posted at: 10:07 | category: /Writing Life | link to this entry

Think Pink—and Fuzzy

I got out of bed thinking the day was going to be full of serious topics and heavy discussion. The news is full of all that, but I also happened by the Fire Ant Gazette and got an eyeful of Saddam Hussein in a pink bunny suit. And would that pink be the Cameo Pink of the 2006 Spring Palette (PDF) presented by Pantone? Who knew we had a blogger among us with haute couture expertise? I can't wait to see images of Mr. H. in Lily Green overalls. Will he complete the ensemble with creamy French Vanilla accessories or go straight for some dishy Melon trouser socks?

Thanks, Eric. I needed that laugh this morning more than I can say.

posted at: 07:35 | category: /Playing | link to this entry

Tue, Feb 14 2006

Watsonville City Council and California National Guard

The Watsonville City Council is scheduled to consider a resolution calling for withdrawal of California National Guard troops from Iraq. The California National Guard maintains a prominent presence in our area. Following the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake the Guard troops were instrumental in getting supplies and personnel in and out of the area when many roads and bridges were considered unsafe. Last fall the California National Guard sent more than 700 people to assist with relief operations in connection with hurricane Katrina.

Groups like Codepink have been working to encourage cities to sponsor these "bring them home" resolutions. It's a delicate issue, because troops are skilled to help in local situations but are also invaluable as a resource in times of emergency anywhere on the planet. And for taxpayers there's always the question of how much a resolution has to do with budgetary issues at city and state levels. You can read more about the history of the California National Guard on their web site.

posted at: 11:02 | category: /Politics | link to this entry

Mon, Feb 13 2006

So the Vice President goes hunting with a lawyer...

When I see headlines like these I know it's going to be a lively day in the blogosphere:
Cheney steps up war on lawyers
Texas lawyer finds himself in Cheney's line of fire
Cheney hunts quail and everyone else ducks
Dick Cheney bags a lawyer on a shooting trip
Vice President shoots his lawyer
Guns don't shoot people. Vice Presidents shoot people

What isn't so funny to me is the subtle language being used by certain folks to shift the bulk of the blame to the victim. I keep seeing comments about the fact that Mr. Whittington "never announced himself". Excuse me? When one turns and mistakes a 78-year-old human male in an orange vest for a covey of quail it seems only fair that the shooter take the bulk of the responsibility. And have you ever been nearby when quail rise from the ground? The sound they make is nothing like that of human rustlings.

It does no one favors when people try to cover the fact that Mr. Cheney made a very bad blunder in this case. His judgement was flawed and his itchy trigger finger could have cost Mr. Whittington his life if they had been hunting something larger that required a different sort of weapon to bring it down. The spin doctors should hush and let Mr. Cheney own his mistake. A gun owner must be willing to be responsible for the use he or she makes of their weapon—even if that owner is a Vice President.

posted at: 17:51 | category: /Miscellaneous | link to this entry

Fri, Feb 10 2006

What Does This Cartoon Thing Really Mean?

You'll need quite a bit of time to read Egyptian Sandmonkey's post (and all the comments) regarding the infamous cartoons that have sparked protests in Denmark. According to the blog post, it seems that there was much less reaction to the cartoons when they were published in Egypt just a few weeks after their publication in the Danish newspapers.

I know that freedom of speech is often at odds with personal beliefs. I've seen many parodies of Jesus over the years, and I may not appreciate all of them, but if a society chooses to be a democratic one it's always going to have to deal with these sorts of issues, particularly as many diverse religions and cultures try to blend in one geographical place. If we decide we can never do anything that offends any one religion or culture we are going to have to create so many restrictions that democracy will cease to exist. So we attempt to keep expression open and hope that people will use that freedom for good. I'd rather live in a place that chooses freedom, even though it means one or more of us might feel offended at some point because some will choose to use their freedom for negative purposes.

I do have one question that has bothered me about all this, and I suppose it would take someone with a great education on Middle East history to explain it in a way I can understand. I keep hearing that it's mostly Muslim extremists who wish to force the Western countries out of the affairs of the Middle East. But a lot of the protesting against these recent cartoons has been from Muslim people who migrated to Europe. Why did they go there if they didn't wish to be part of a society that has more freedoms? And if Islam has geographical implications, where is Islam supposed to be? I'm not being sarcastic when I ask this. I truly want to understand how extremist Muslim folks can believe that, on one hand they can tell everyone to stay out and stop trying to control their holy places in the Middle East but on the other hand, believe they can go everywhere and control the freedoms of societies in other areas. And if what they (extremists) really want is to live in a closed society dominated by one religion is that to be a region in the Middle East or is that to be the whole world? If it turns out to be the latter I can tell them right now that we're all in for a very long haul because this is not going to happen without some really terrible consequences. And it isn't something people can fix by boycotting a few products. That's like slapping a bandaid on the forehead of a woman in labor with quintuplets. It doesn't address the real problem, it doesn't make anyone feel better and it isn't going to stop the sequence of events to come.

I hope that the real leaders of Islam will be able to make their way to the front of this fray and educate us as to the real principles that guide Muslim believers. We folks of other religions and other cultures need to know the truth. I just hope the extremists don't destroy the earth before that happens.

posted at: 08:36 | category: /Religious and Spiritual | link to this entry

Thu, Feb 09 2006

Thank You. Well, You're Not Welcome!

I always thought a scholarship was a gift. I do understand that some scholarships come with certain restrictions and conditions, but those are usually laid out in detailed terms. When one gives a gift and receives correspondence thanking them for that gift, it seems a bit petty to criticize the one doing the thanking.

The information age has greatly changed the way in which we deliver correspondence, particularly with younger people who have grown up with readily available keyboards their whole lives. Why should those of us who grew up sending handwritten notes take offense at their very efficient typed correspondence? Those of us with questionable penmanship or even physical limitations that prevent us from having less-than-perfect handwriting would be wise to take advantage of keyboards. The most useful of manners are those that apply common sense to everyday matters. If we stray very far beyond that principle we're in danger of slipping into the pretentious zone. A sincere gesture is much more valuable than a cold, formal one.

If the comments by the student are accurately quoted, it might be true that he was harsh in his subsequent reply to the congressman. But I can understand his anger at being criticized for trying to do the right thing. He probably did compound the problem and now this whole thing has been publicized. It may have made the congressman's investment in him look a little ill-advised. Maybe this has embarrassed the congressman. I don't know. At this point it all seems a little ridiculous and has taken what were two well-meaning moves and has turned them into wasted kindness, when the whole situation could have been a high point in this young student's life. Maybe someday they'll both laugh about it. But it does say a lot about the way we often give things, not freely, but with a certain expectation of return.

Speaking of expectation of return, since Mr. Baird receives at least a portion of his income from the taxpayers of Washington, I hope he will at least concentrate most of his future efforts toward making certain he gives them their money's worth. That's the kind of gratitude that will be remembered for a long time.

posted at: 09:33 | category: /Politics | link to this entry

Kiddie Coloring, Gang-Style

It would seem as though someone is using the Bratz brand of characters to do a little gang promotion. Kudos go to sharp-eyed grandma Irma Coty for noticing the "14" and other symbols that prompted her to enlist deputy probation officer Garry Herceg in a hunt to track down the source of the fuzzy posters. Companies license brands to so many manufacturers these days that finding every knock-off and every pirated version of merchandise is becoming a definite problem. But this is a lot more important than just a profit issue. It's sending a subtle message to children that the original logo owners may have never intended to send.

posted at: 07:05 | category: /Arts and Entertainment | link to this entry

Wed, Feb 08 2006

It's a Tough Job, But Somebody's Gotta Report It

Well, I guess that Grant Baker will still have his job in South Africa, now that he's won the Maverick's Surf Contest. He was apparently kidded about missing work to take his chance on that long ride that won him this year's prize.

Maverick's is at an end, but surfing will continue as usual. This is, after all, the California coast. However, time's a-wasting, so now local attention turns to the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am, which always turns the heads of even the golf-loathing of us in the area. And there's a good reason for it. At the risk of repeating myself—this is, after all, the California coast. And the Pro-Am plays out on the most beautiful golf courses in the world.

posted at: 05:58 | category: /Miscellaneous | link to this entry

Tue, Feb 07 2006

Stitch And Bitch or Stitch & Bitch or Stitch 'n Bitch or even Stitchin' Bitch: Trademark Wars

We used the term "stitch and bitch" decades ago. We didn't add the word "cafe" behind the phrase. One company is now claiming a trademarked use of such a phrase, and possibly variations of that phrase, and the news is that the company seems to be turning a lot of very formerly-supportive knitters into former customers.

I don't sew or knit. But I do write, and know that this particular company's claim that "no other usage of Stitch & Bitch ever occurred before the first Friday evening gatherings..." is very badly worded. I hope their legal counsel urges them to rephrase that sentence, because, as it is written, it simply isn't true. Perhaps they meant to use the phrase "Stitch & Bitch Cafe". I don't know.

The legal implications of all this bitching are fetching a ton of free publicity for all involved—or at the very least a certain notoriety. And the trademark issue has dropped a stitch or two into internet sites such as individual Cafe Press stores and Yahoo Groups. At least one site, Free to Stitch Free To Bitch, has been passing out links to express basic unhappiness toward the company, which began issuing notices to other folks they believed were making use of their trademarked phrase.

Meanwhile, Debbie Stoller, who gave old-fashioned needle projects an edge and made needle crafts popular with young women (and men) in a sassy manner seems to be battling for her own use of terms like "Stitch 'n Bitch". Free to Stitch Free to Bitch now sells their own products at Cafe Press. Angry, blogging knitters are taking their fight underground in increasing numbers.

I never knew that knitters were so passionate about their craft. I hope everyone can resolve their differences and get back to great projects like these and these.

posted at: 07:19 | category: /Writing Life | link to this entry

Mon, Feb 06 2006

Surf's Up! Time for Maverick's

It's official. The 2006 Maverick's Surf Contest is tomorrow.

posted at: 10:40 | category: /Miscellaneous | link to this entry

Sun, Feb 05 2006

Half A Small Swede

That title up there isn't an ethnic slur. I was reading a group of recipes this morning and came across a recipe that called for "half a small Swede, diced". Once I stopped blinking and read the rest of the recipe I determined that it must be a vegetable of some sort. After a bit of research, it seems that a Swede is what those of us in the U.S. would call a rutabaga. It's also called a Swedish turnip, which explains why Swede was capitalized in the recipe list and why I was taken aback when I thought they were referring to some sort of horried ethnic cleansing by way of cannibalism.

I don't suppose it would be popular to served up Swede today as Super Bowl food. I think most people will be eating Hot Wings or Seven Layer Dip. A big heaping bowl of Swede just doesn't have that party ring to it.

posted at: 08:34 | category: /Food | link to this entry

Fri, Feb 03 2006

The Gatling Gun as Part of 21st Century Weaponry

It's strange to think that something invented in the 1800s forms the basis for a weapon designed to help in the task of nuclear security. I wonder if Mr. Gatling ever came close to imagining that his invention would have applications of this magnitude.

posted at: 07:59 | category: /Miscellaneous | link to this entry

Rent Power: No More Poems?

For as long as I can remember it's been great fun to pass Rent Power and see the four-line poems displayed on the sign. They are our local version of the old Burma Shave signs. With the news that Rent Power is closing its doors we're now going to have a much blander drive along Freedom Boulevard.

It's been frustrating to watch local industries and businesses close and rural land disappear as developers create more housing. We're losing the landmark features of a small town as the greater Bay area's high cost of living sends home buyers farther and farther out to find housing. It's sad to see us become just another bedroom community instead of a rich mix of businesses, homes and churches. We'll be connected to the working world by roads, but I can see that our sense of community is decaying as we start to look a lot like every other bedroom community, with the same chain stores and the same look-alike housing developments.

posted at: 07:37 | category: /Miscellaneous | link to this entry

Thu, Feb 02 2006

Stepping Stones

I was reading the January 30th post at Anne's blog, and it reminded me of my own moments of what I call "self-associative shame". Some of us, and particularly those of us who work in the arts or have an artistic temperament, battle periodic moments when we look at our current state in life and can't seem to make our goals, our talents and our last few footsteps blend together. We've worked so hard to get here and we still feel uneasy and blue about where we are. It hits some of us on a daily basis. In some ways it's a good sign that we're not complacent. But it can be crippling if it takes over life by putting a constant strain on our work and our relationships.

I recently began toying with a camcorder, and I find that part of the process of using it is in learning to step to one side or another, step up or down, or even step backward, in order to frame a shot most effectively. I can see and show things from an angle I would otherwise have missed. Should I accept this fact and make the best use of it? You bet. Should I apologize for it or feel bad about it? Whatever for?

If I'm willing to expend this much effort and be open to this much variance when it comes to a video recording device, why shouldn't I allow myself that much more grace and dignity when it comes to letting in all the possibilities and vantage points that are open to me from whatever position I find myself in at this time in my life? It won't do away with making decisions or dealing with sadness but it will free up the part of me that needs to be able to adjust. My view of the goal might change. The goal might appear to move when I move. And for all I know it won't even be the same goal I had when I started. That last part is frightening, but if I can accept it, it's also the most honest way of living. And if I'm honest in accepting a dynamic process I don't have to pressure myself so much about whether I'm in the right place at the right time. The situation will present itself as a process of faith and commitment, rather than one that locks me into shame and doubt when I try to measure up.

posted at: 08:45 | category: /Writing Life | link to this entry

Interview With A Texas Blogger

I've been so occupied with other things that my time to read fellow bloggers' material has been on the slim side lately. I was delighted to drop by The Fire Ant Gazette this morning and find that Eric was recently interviewed via webcast. He and Jimmy Patterson tackled both light and serious topics from the world of blogging, and I really appreciated his thoughtful answers. I found myself nodding in agreement to much of what was said about blogs, those who write them and those who read them.

However, Eric mentioned one thing in passing that made me sit up and really lean forward. If pet Abbye loathes Santa Claus I can't help but wonder how she feels about the upcoming season's character of the Easter Bunny. He never followed up the comment with details and now I'm wild with curiosity about what precipitated Abbye's wrath toward the jolly old elf. I suppose that means Eric and Jimmy did exactly what they were supposed to do in the world of entertainment—always leave them wanting more.

posted at: 06:42 | category: | link to this entry

Wed, Feb 01 2006

Satellite Dialysis Clinic Hit By Arsonist A Second Time

We heard sirens and saw fire trucks screaming up the road while we were loading groceries into the car at a shopping center on Monday evening. When we drove toward home we passed the place where the fire department was dealing with the work of a really demented arsonist. Unfortunately, it's not the first attack on the dialysis clinic. And there have been other incidents in the Watsonville area.

A Molotov cocktail is usually the work of someone who is angry, but why would anyone target a place that is only trying to help sick people? No one was in the clinic at the time, but the building also houses Green Valley Grill, which apparently did have to be evacuated. So if the arsonist(s) thought they were having their say without endangering lives they were wrong on several counts.

posted at: 06:47 | category: /Miscellaneous | link to this entry

Boards Made From Recycled Plants

We've seen a lot of advertising lately for products made of bamboo: cutting boards, furniture and even clothing. But I was surprised to learn that we can now make things from sorghum plant fiber. Kirei Board has strength, is environmentally sensible and has an exotic texture that would lend itself well to both traditional and modern design settings.

posted at: 06:26 | category: /Miscellaneous | link to this entry

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Stealin' copy is as bad as horse-thievin'
and cattle rustlin'! Lightning may strike
such varmints when they least expect it!