Write Lightning is a blog from writer Deb Thompson.
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Everyone is welcome here.
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Mon, Jun 28 2004
Many Happy Returns To Eric
I think I still have time to wish Eric, at Fire Ant Gazette, a Happy Birthday. It sounds as though he had a good day, except for the part about the extremely unfortunate spider count. Mercy. Fire ants? Tarantulas? I wonder if he has to check his shoes for scorpions in the morning, too. (Of course, this would be an activity not unique to Texas. I've heard tales that when one lives in Imperial Valley, California, one does not get up to use the bathroom in the night without checking the dark floor with a flashlight before one puts one's bare toes down, just in case there might be a stinging tail in one's path.)
posted at: 19:31 | category: /Playing | link to this entry
I think I still have time to wish Eric, at Fire Ant Gazette, a Happy Birthday. It sounds as though he had a good day, except for the part about the extremely unfortunate spider count. Mercy. Fire ants? Tarantulas? I wonder if he has to check his shoes for scorpions in the morning, too. (Of course, this would be an activity not unique to Texas. I've heard tales that when one lives in Imperial Valley, California, one does not get up to use the bathroom in the night without checking the dark floor with a flashlight before one puts one's bare toes down, just in case there might be a stinging tail in one's path.)
posted at: 19:31 | category: /Playing | link to this entry
Watsonville Community Airport: Yes! City of Watsonville Development in Buena Vista: No!
A bit of local politics: The fight is on. The city of Watsonville will have a meeting of the General Plan Update Committee later today, with time to talk about the meetings it held in our area, and with time to discuss the findings of the (.pdf file) Crosswind Runway Report. At Bunea Vista neighborhood meeting we attended, pilots had to correct the so-called expert who presented the material. Two other individuals stood up and said that they had been present at planning sessions for Buena Vista development, and that the presentations given to us that night did not represent the work done at those sessions.
If the airport runways are moved or closed, it will impede the ability of the airport to operate in the best manner for Santa Cruz County. The residents of the Buena Vista area made our feelings very clear at the meeting we attended. We do want our airport to operate to the best of its capability, and we want it even at the cost of Watsonville's plans for urban sprawl.
posted at: 12:12 | category: /Politics | link to this entry
A bit of local politics: The fight is on. The city of Watsonville will have a meeting of the General Plan Update Committee later today, with time to talk about the meetings it held in our area, and with time to discuss the findings of the (.pdf file) Crosswind Runway Report. At Bunea Vista neighborhood meeting we attended, pilots had to correct the so-called expert who presented the material. Two other individuals stood up and said that they had been present at planning sessions for Buena Vista development, and that the presentations given to us that night did not represent the work done at those sessions.
If the airport runways are moved or closed, it will impede the ability of the airport to operate in the best manner for Santa Cruz County. The residents of the Buena Vista area made our feelings very clear at the meeting we attended. We do want our airport to operate to the best of its capability, and we want it even at the cost of Watsonville's plans for urban sprawl.
posted at: 12:12 | category: /Politics | link to this entry