Write Lightning is a blog from writer Deb Thompson.
Everyone is welcome here.
(Some links or topics may not be completely kid-appropriate.)
Everyone is welcome here.
(Some links or topics may not be completely kid-appropriate.)
Fri, May 14 2004
I have forgotten who sent me to this site, but I should wish a pox upon their house, because I've spent way too much time drawing--especially once I learned that the various facial parts could be used to doodle a lot more than just faces. I saw possibilities for animals, flowers, bugs and a lot more. Object such as noses can be rotated, enlarged, and made into curls. Another nose looks like a simple wing. Some artistic folks even figured out how to combine features and draw the human form. If you like to doodle or draw, take a look through the gallery on the site and you will no doubt be inspired to try your own creation. You can sign it, save it, and email the link to your art to your friends.
Want to play? Go to Mr. Picassohead.
(And two hours later, don't say I didn't warn you)
posted at: 17:51 | category: /Playing | link to this entry
A Comet's Tail And Related Tales
We've been getting tips on seeing Comet NEAT in the sky this evening. It's possible to get some good viewing out here, because the comet is visible in the western sky, and we live close to the ocean, so looking westward will be the spot least cluttered with city lights. One group of scientists has a Comet Party planned at the popular Santa Cruz restaurant/watering hole Crow's Nest.
You may recall that some discussion of the possible effects of NEAT on our planet involved some pretty controversial issues for awhile, but now things seem to have settled down a bit. As far as I know, Nancy Lieder still maintains her posture that we are in for a big hit of major planetary cataclysmic activity from the effects of Planet X. And she is apparently in at least some form of ongoing debate with scientists and writers. It's interesting for Ms Lieder. In her interesting place, I don't think I'd be very inclined to believe a bunch of aliens who had lied to me once already, and had still claimed to be friendly, spiritually enlightened neighbors. I'm funny that way.
posted at: 14:19 | category: /Science | link to this entry
We've been getting tips on seeing Comet NEAT in the sky this evening. It's possible to get some good viewing out here, because the comet is visible in the western sky, and we live close to the ocean, so looking westward will be the spot least cluttered with city lights. One group of scientists has a Comet Party planned at the popular Santa Cruz restaurant/watering hole Crow's Nest.
You may recall that some discussion of the possible effects of NEAT on our planet involved some pretty controversial issues for awhile, but now things seem to have settled down a bit. As far as I know, Nancy Lieder still maintains her posture that we are in for a big hit of major planetary cataclysmic activity from the effects of Planet X. And she is apparently in at least some form of ongoing debate with scientists and writers. It's interesting for Ms Lieder. In her interesting place, I don't think I'd be very inclined to believe a bunch of aliens who had lied to me once already, and had still claimed to be friendly, spiritually enlightened neighbors. I'm funny that way.
posted at: 14:19 | category: /Science | link to this entry