Write Lightning is a blog from writer Deb Thompson.
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Fri, Oct 31 2003
I'll See You In Hell
I used to have a religion class professor who had a habit of saying provocative things like, "I'll see you in Hell. We'll all be there, you know." His point was that Hell was the natural culmination of the consequence of folks' ongoing choice not to align themelves with their Creator/Savior in this life, and that they would simply not be able to exist in the presence of a perfect, loving Heavenly Father (and they would not really wish to live in Heaven). The professor said we'd all be there until the end, when the folks who had chosen to turn away day after day in this life simply self-destructed when they couldn't handle the brilliance of Heaven's perfect love in the person of the Lord.
If a Heavenly Father chose to conjure up a place like this, He/She wouldn't get my alliance for an instant. Would you human mother and fathers (who love your kids) want to see them suffer forever, or would you want to see their suffering end? Could you just "put another log on the eternal fire" and still be happy? So how could a Perfect Being do just that? If you really want to be scared on Halloween, contemplate the type of human mind that could conjure up the likes of a Creator who would allow His/Her created children to suffer eternal torment and still expect to be loved by the "saved" survivors who "make it" into Heaven. Now, that's scary.
posted at: 13:31 | category: /Religious and Spiritual | link to this entry
I used to have a religion class professor who had a habit of saying provocative things like, "I'll see you in Hell. We'll all be there, you know." His point was that Hell was the natural culmination of the consequence of folks' ongoing choice not to align themelves with their Creator/Savior in this life, and that they would simply not be able to exist in the presence of a perfect, loving Heavenly Father (and they would not really wish to live in Heaven). The professor said we'd all be there until the end, when the folks who had chosen to turn away day after day in this life simply self-destructed when they couldn't handle the brilliance of Heaven's perfect love in the person of the Lord.
If a Heavenly Father chose to conjure up a place like this, He/She wouldn't get my alliance for an instant. Would you human mother and fathers (who love your kids) want to see them suffer forever, or would you want to see their suffering end? Could you just "put another log on the eternal fire" and still be happy? So how could a Perfect Being do just that? If you really want to be scared on Halloween, contemplate the type of human mind that could conjure up the likes of a Creator who would allow His/Her created children to suffer eternal torment and still expect to be loved by the "saved" survivors who "make it" into Heaven. Now, that's scary.
posted at: 13:31 | category: /Religious and Spiritual | link to this entry