Write Lightning is a blog from writer Deb Thompson.
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Mon, Aug 04 2003
Democratic Lunatics
I disagree with David Broder when he says, "California is giving American democracy a black eye." A look back in history at this country's colorful mix of political characters would make present-day California politics look like a church picnic. U. S. citizens used to be ready to push the envelope in testing the waters of democracy, and some still do. Nowhere is this more evident than in the state of California, where the economy is now the 5th largest in the world. We continue to exercise our voting rights according to our state's constitution, and have, on occasion, spoken out as a state population against Federal laws we felt were not in the best interests of the residents of this state.
One should not have to be wealthy to run for, or campaign for, a public office. One should not have to have a background in law, big business, education or military service. If actors, plumbers, church custodians or lap dancers want to run for office, they should be able to campaign alongside career politicians. It should be up to the voting people to decide who they want to hold an office. If we learn nothing else from our efforts to follow this state's constitution, let's at least learn that government is only as good or bad as its citizens allow it to be.
If others want to point fingers and call Californians lunatics, they have a right to do that. But we'll listen to them much sooner if they stand up and make their own contribution to democracy. Some states don't even have provisions for recalling a governor. That's likely to change when people realize they don't have to put up with politics as usual. Once again, this state is paving the way for others to enjoy American democracy. Are we lunatics in California? Maybe. But blazing the way in new territory reminds critics that they could be making a difference in their own back yard. Don't laugh at us, folks. Laugh with us--joyfully, loudly, and with pride as you watch American democracy at full throttle!
posted at: 19:24 | category: /Politics | link to this entry
I disagree with David Broder when he says, "California is giving American democracy a black eye." A look back in history at this country's colorful mix of political characters would make present-day California politics look like a church picnic. U. S. citizens used to be ready to push the envelope in testing the waters of democracy, and some still do. Nowhere is this more evident than in the state of California, where the economy is now the 5th largest in the world. We continue to exercise our voting rights according to our state's constitution, and have, on occasion, spoken out as a state population against Federal laws we felt were not in the best interests of the residents of this state.
One should not have to be wealthy to run for, or campaign for, a public office. One should not have to have a background in law, big business, education or military service. If actors, plumbers, church custodians or lap dancers want to run for office, they should be able to campaign alongside career politicians. It should be up to the voting people to decide who they want to hold an office. If we learn nothing else from our efforts to follow this state's constitution, let's at least learn that government is only as good or bad as its citizens allow it to be.
If others want to point fingers and call Californians lunatics, they have a right to do that. But we'll listen to them much sooner if they stand up and make their own contribution to democracy. Some states don't even have provisions for recalling a governor. That's likely to change when people realize they don't have to put up with politics as usual. Once again, this state is paving the way for others to enjoy American democracy. Are we lunatics in California? Maybe. But blazing the way in new territory reminds critics that they could be making a difference in their own back yard. Don't laugh at us, folks. Laugh with us--joyfully, loudly, and with pride as you watch American democracy at full throttle!
posted at: 19:24 | category: /Politics | link to this entry